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  • 17/02/2014 4:21 PM | Web Master (Administrator)

    The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation is seeking applications for the current easement cycle. Recent cycles have combined funding for two years. If this occurs again this year, the next application will be in 2016. Furthermore, the easement sale process can take 18 months. For these reasons, staff encourages landowners who may be thinking about an easement sale to apply now. Baltimore County staff is ready to assist landowners with their applications. The application period is open and the deadline is May 1, 2014. The State requires that applications be mailed directly to the County to be processed and then submitted to the State by July 1, 2014.  

    To be eligible the land must meet minimum soil criteria and be at least 50 acres in size or adjacent to an already preserved farm. Funding is extremely limited so selection will be based upon the quality of the farm land, development potential, discounted asking price, and other factors. 

    Information and application forms for the State program can be found at with specific County information at 

    The application materials are to be sent to the attention of Wally Lippincott, Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability, 111 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Room 319,Towson, MD 21204 by May 1, 2014. For any questions, please contact Wally Lippincott or Carmela Iacovelli at (410) 887-3854 or email at

  • 14/02/2014 4:30 PM | Web Master (Administrator)

    An important incentive for easement donations has been introduced via Maryland House Bill 789/Senate Bill 709 under consideration during this year’s General Assembly. Tax credits for qualified donated easements would be transferable and landowners who are corporations, trusts, limited partnerships or liability companies would be eligible to claim the credit as well as individuals or married couples. Unused credit could be credited against Maryland Estate taxes at the death of the owner.

    This expansion of the existing Maryland income tax credit follows legislation passed in many other states for similar purposes. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR STATE SENATOR OR DELEGATE TO SUPPORT THESE BILLS.

  • 14/02/2014 10:25 AM | Web Master (Administrator)

    Farm BillConservation provisions included in the Farm Bill just passed by Congress will provide significant funding for easements to protect working farms and croplands. In addition, previously required matching funds from land trusts or local governments were exchanged for match alternatives to help ensure that a lack of local funding does not exclude protection of strategically important conservation opportunities. 

    Farm Bill Programs such as CREP (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) and FRPP (Farm and Ranchlands Protection Program) can be a complex alphabet soup, but they do, along with donated and purchased easements, serve to keep working farms in family hands and reinvest dollars in our community.

  • 01/11/2013 11:28 AM | Web Master (Administrator)

    Sergeant Murphy Land Preservation AwardAt the TMC Annual Meeting October 22, 2013, Justin Batoff, Doug Behrens, Frank Durkee, Emily Emerick and Ned Grassi were elected to the Board of Directors. 

    The Sergeant Murphy Land Preservation Award for 2013 was presented to Ralph Rigger and his late wife Rebecca, well known in the local and wider community for their tireless energy and dedication to civic duty and responsibility. Their hands on support of many worthy causes as well as their active participation in political and regulatory processes that influence our lives have been remarkable. The Manor Area as benefited in countless ways from their interest in rural preservation and land conservation. Since moving to Hess Road in 1955, they have seen changes and challenges to the rural community of the Manor and their leadership and commitment to the heritage and environment here is hard to match. They took the time to be informed, inform others, and be present when others stayed home, displaying the best of community activism and constructive and positive citizen engagement.

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